Landcare Australia Logo Batesford Fyansford Stonehaven Landcare Group
Covenant College students in the Moorabool River Reserve

Covenant College students in the Moorabool River Reserve


BFS Landcare runs projects and workshops, as well as providing information for both schools and the community.

Covenant College

Today’s youth are the land carers of tomorrow

North Geelong Secondary College in the Dog Rocks Flora and Fauna Sanctuary

North Geelong Secondary College in the Dog Rocks Flora and Fauna Sanctuary

For more than ten years BFS Landcare has carried out nature conservation works together with Covenant College (Geelong). As part of the college’s Year 9 Community Service Program, BFS Landcare volunteers work with students in the Moorabool River Reserve, Red Gum Reserve and Dog Rocks Flora and Fauna Sanctuary.

Each year the students remove swathes of South African Boneseed — a Weed of National Significance (WoNS)—from the Dog Rocks Flora and Fauna Sanctuary.

Agapanthus (a garden escapee) is another challenge in the Sanctuary. The students enthusiastically chip it out, enabling natural regeneration of indigenous species.

In Golden Plains Shire, under the watchful eye of Dale Smithyman the Natural Resources Officer, Batesford benefits from National Tree Day for Schools events and the ongoing maintenance program.

The Covenant College Year 9 students, together with BFSLG and partners, are making a valuable contribution to their community and the environment.

Community Information

BFS Landcare Committe and Members 2019

BFS Landcare Committee and Members with scout group and volunteers (National Tree Day – 27 July 2019)

There are many ways the community can help protect and preserve our precious environment.

One way is to learn more about the environment, another is to become a member to support the volunteer work we do.