Landcare Australia Logo Batesford Fyansford Stonehaven Landcare Group
Laughing Kookaburra

Laughing Kookaburra

Woodland Bird Surveys

23 February 2021

As part of our Lower Moorabool Bio-link Project Biodiversity Grant, expert bird observers and volunteers have been performing regular bird surveys in the Dog Rocks Flora and Fauna Sanctuary and the Honey Woodland.

The aim is to collect data to monitor the responses of woodland birds to the establishment of the bio-link and its interaction with remnant bush.

PDFs of the surveys can be downloaded below.

Woodland Bird Survey – 4 November 2019

Rainbow Bee-eater

Rainbow Bee-eater

Download the November 2019 survey

Woodland Bird Survey – 29 May 2020

Little Eagle

Little Eagle

Compared to the previous survey in November 2019, there was a much larger number of a variety of honeyeaters feeding in the flowering Yellow Gums. These included Yellow-faced and White-naped Honeyeaters which are probably winter emigrants from the Otways.

The Red Gum woodland had many fewer birds.

Download the May 2020 survey

Woodland Bird Survey – 10 October 2020

New Holland Honey Eater

New Holland Honeyeater

Compared to the previous spring survey in November 2019 and autumn survey in May 2020, there were ongoing numbers of a variety of honeyeaters feeding in the flowering Yellow Gums. These included Yellow-faced and White-naped Honeyeaters and Red Wattlebirds which are probably a mixture of local breeding residents and individuals in transit to breed later in the spring in the Otways.

A Little Eagle calling from the Sanctuary, and later seen flying overhead, suggests that this numerically rare species might be nesting in the Sanctuary.

Another highlight was lovely views of Rufous Whistlers, a summer migrant that arrives in the Sanctuary in October to breed.

Download the October 2020 survey

Woodland Bird Survey – 20 March 2021

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo

As part of the Batesford, Fyansford, Stonehaven Landcare Group’s Lower Moorabool Bio-link Project Biodiversity Grant, expert bird observers and volunteers have performed regular bird surveys, collecting data to monitor the responses of woodland birds to the establishment of the biolink and its interaction with remnant bush.

A late summer/early autumn survey was undertaken on 20 March 2021.

Download the March 2021 survey